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Current series:
The gospel of john
Beginning on January 5th, join us for the start of The Gospel of John sermon series.
"What is the church?"
Everyone seems to have something to say about the church. But what is the church, exactly? Is it a nice building with a steeple? An experience on a Sunday morning? In
this series, author and pastor Derwin Gray examines Acts and Paul’s letters to explain what the church is, how it began, what it does, and its mission.
This series will inspire you to learn from the rich history of the church and will motivate you to act as an empowered member of the family of God. At this time of transition at LCC, it is important that we all understand the role we play in the Body of Christ.
Join Hannah Myers and other women at Sundays at 9am in room 117, beginning February 16th, as we explore for five weeks who we are and what we do as the church.
Next Steps
We would like to invite you to join us for our Next Steps Class. It's offered on the third
Sunday of each month. Please complete this form to help us know who you
are and how many you plan to bring with you. Next Steps will meet in room 117
at 11:45am and last no more than 45 minutes. A light lunch will be
provided, and your kids are invited to come with you. Next Steps will give you
the opportunity to meet other people and discover more about LCC and your next
The next Next Steps Class will be offered Jan. 19th
Right now Media:
Available for Everyone
Lebanon Christian Church has purchased unlimited access to thousands of Christian videos and we are giving
FREE ACCESS to everyone in our church!
Click HERE for more information and to setup your account.
Join us in prayer & fasting
Please join us in fasting and praying on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Fast from anything that stands between you and God– food, sweets, media, etc –and spend that gained time in prayer instead. Then join us at LCC at 6pm for a time of prayer together to break your fast.
Our next day of prayer and fasting is on Wednesday,
January 8th.
Now Hiring!
Lebanon Christian Church is looking for someone to join our team who takes great pride in cleaning our facilities so that it provides the best possible atmosphere for people to trust and follow Jesus.
This role will require approximately 12-16 hours weekly. If you are interested, please email kurt@lebanonchristian.org or call (765) 482-4673 to request a job application.
Job descriptions are available upon request.